For those wanting serious critiques only!!
Published on October 23, 2010 By teddybearcholla In Wallpapers

 Thought I would start this thread in the hopes that there will be good and serious critiques.   I can be your first *victim* IR  or whomever wishes to give me direction!!!    This is in is a photo I took and then added the little ghosties...which may or may not work. 


Comments (Page 6)
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on Oct 26, 2010

Better or not?

Much. Have you thought of thinning the bush/tree to the left of the house? Just a thought.

on Oct 26, 2010

My laptop, which is what I'm using to create the wall is 1366x768, a small wide screen. I tend to look at dark and gloomy and for some reason think that color in a wall like these are well not keeping with the spirit of the holiday, if that makes any sense. I'm going to scrap the wall and start off like you said. I hadn't really given any thought to going big first and working down. I always thought the opposite. But, that's the whole reason for this thread and no I.R., hate you never but appreciate your honesty and no punches pulled. I'd rather have it that way than someone saying yeah that looks good but ... know what i mean? So ... back to the drawing board and screwing my thinking cap on Thanks all for your input.

Uvah, I addressed that issue with you in a previous thread about resizing walls! Always start large and size down! You loose detail and quality when trying to size up and too many people posting walls do not know how to resize properly and you end up with an inferior image. Oblong moons and such are a real turnoff!

on Oct 26, 2010


Better or not?

Much. Have you thought of thinning the bush/tree to the left of the house? Just a thought.

Well no,  I actually had to thicken it because seeing so much sky through the tree reduced the effect of darkness in the image. At one point I had completely removed it but that didn't work out too well!

on Oct 26, 2010

I opened CS5 with a new background at 2560x1600 just to get a feel for it. Too bad the trial ends in sixteen days. No biggie though, i still have PS7.


I still work in 7...for a skinner there really isnt much in later versions that truly helps with skinning in general.They are a little better at some things but not much.

The biggest advances I see in PS lately are the painting tools...but skinners rarely paint...they mostly use shapes,vectors and layerstyles.(7 does all those perfectly fine and is faster at most of it)

There are some screen drawing improvements if you have a good enough graphics card to take advantage of them. Poor ole Brain is still on his emachines W3107...8600 gt.

Tho this is about to change sometime next year...time to build my own sportier model. yay

on Oct 26, 2010

I had an emachine couple years back. Worked pretty good too. It was my first store bought and just to see how far I could push it I crashed XP inside of a week. Reloaded it and crashed it two more times. Then I quit playing around and found this place. Been going bonkers ever since.

on Oct 27, 2010

[quote who="I.R. Brainiac" reply="72" id="2811418"]Just to be is a comp I was working on for fun.I wouldnt upload it for 2 reasons...I cant remember where I got all the original images(even tho I shopped them so much nobody would ever mistake them for the originals) and its still too rough in some places.

Yes it looks pretty cool but I wanted awesome and I just wasnt quite there with it so I shoved it on a backburner to maybe revisit someday.

Its main problems are right in the center where the 3 roads meet...its just too obvious they were shopped together poorly.There are also some bad cloning going on at the sides of the center road.

While I was proud of the rock sculpturing I painted in by hand...the stone lion faces dont look as good as the faces above.Used the same techniques but it just didnt work there.They need reworking.

The car has a bit of forced perspective on it but its a surreal image so I figured I might get away with it.

The angels sword looks awkwardly placed but I liked the fire I added to it.

Theres more but thats the worst of it.



[URL=]Reduced 31%Original 1920 x 1200[/URL]

Uploaded with [URL=][/URL][/quote]


Terrific painting. This could be a really awesome wall. I agree with your own critiques and I have beem using this as my desktop for a while now. I'd like ti suggest some things  might try if it was my own.

The joint of the mountains needs to be blurred, Maybe even shift the whole layer to the left. I am assuming the clouds will are on that layer also and will shift with it. It could give a better effect distancing the dark and the white

I would try making the angel a bit smaller and definitely "surrealize" the wand and fire. There seems to be wind blowing the fire. It's hard to find a direction as the shadows don't coincide, i.e. Car, safety guard. Road sign, etc.. Maybe blur the road sign except for Scientology Lounge, which I assume is part of the theme. PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.

The car looks like it hovering, edges are too crisp. Did you think of rounding the corners of the road? Maybe a duplicate layer and play with blending options, for the car that is.

I'm still going to keep it on my screen for a while, so I guess I'm complimenting you on your work. All of this pf course are just MHO and things I might try. Impulse dock and Object Dock fit right in, smooth. It looks much better on my screen. Thank you.


on Oct 27, 2010

Just fooling around with skies right now. No more oblong moons and such. when it gets a little further on I'll post it.

on Oct 28, 2010

Thats kinda cute for a lite halloween advice is to add some squiggly trails coming off the house.Make it more see thru and blur some of the harsher edges.The distortion effect is actually effective tho maybe a bit too does have a sort of Tim Burton feel to the house.The idea of a house not only being haunted but also being the ghost is a cute idea.

Add some glows to ghost and house maybe?(can never go wrong with blue tinted glows haha)(maybe orange yellow glows around the windows and door)

The biggest problem is the background...its too real for the subject in my opinion.

I would seperate the trees from the sky and cartoon them up to match the rest of the subjects.

The entire image is compositionally awkward...the house is dead center and using up too much room...increase the size of the background and move thing around a little...give it some breathing room.

And...what? full moon in a ghost picture? hehe




hehehe...I was working on it ( actually I liked the blue tint glows idea) , but now my pc is giving me grief.  So I probably won't get to finish it for Halloween, but I will finish it and post it here!!  Thank you IR !!!  


Frankie, I love how your image turned out!!!


Uvah, keep plugging away.   As long as you are having fun, that is the most important part!!!


Catch you all later!!!

on Oct 28, 2010

Thanks to all for the technical advice in making my wall a sucess! I learned some stuff.

on Oct 28, 2010

You know, at the risk of making some enemies, and God knows I have enough, I have to say that I am extremely disappointed in the lack of participation in this thread. You would think that with all of the hoopla over the quality of what is being offered in the gallery the community would join together and try to offer good critical advice and that more folks would have utilized this opportunity to get or give help. As I look through the gallery today, I see many examples of things that are way too busy, a couple that have a high rate of pixalation, another few that the subject matter is getting a bit tedious and not one constructive comment in the lot. It reminds me of working side by side with your Boss all year thinking what a great job you are doing and then at the end of the year, you go in for your performance review and leave in tears because he proceeds to tell you how you are doing everything wrong. I know how hard it is to critique your own work because we all like to think everything we do is super, but if no one tells us different, then how are we to know? People here have become far too sensitive to anything the least bit negative being directed at their artwork and we have ended up with a whole crew of comment "whores" who go around saying how good everything is, even if they hate it. Personally, I would prefer an honest critique than a bunch of insincere hype or an extremely low rating without an explanation. Of course I am not promoting the "this is a piece of crap" type of comment but the sincere and diplomatic type of comment that makes one stop and listen and more closely examine the work in question. I am certainly not adverse to asking for help, but if I don't know that I need it, then I can't be expected to ask for it. Just a little food for thought, I guess, for anyone who reads this and truly wants to help all of us improve in what we have to offer.

Again, my sincere thanks to those who did participate and offered their advice and perspective. I would love to see this type of community effort become a permanent part of this site.

on Oct 28, 2010

I certainly gained something from all this. Thanks to 'DA Brain' I learned how 'not' to start a wall. Plus how to look at my own work with more of an eye for what others will look at. What I need to do is work on my perspective as though seeing through someone elses eyes. Thanks I.R. for your critique.And Frankief and tbc (did she comment?) I have to go back and look. Anyway thanks to all who contributed and lets hope, like Frankief said that more will participate.

on Oct 28, 2010

Frankie, some people aren't very good at articulating why they think something is of higher quality than others, so maybe the lack of participation has something to do with that--or maybe they just didn't care for your chosen subject matter in your work and so their comments would not have been constructive anyway, or maybe they just don't like delivering bad news.

I think you did a fantastic job on improving your work.  I, too, would like to see this thread continue.  I have something I'm working on that I hope to get out in the next day, that I would like critiqued.  This is what I have so far -- thoughts?


on Oct 28, 2010

My God woman, that is a serious head wound that dude has there! It would be helpful to be able to view the actual size but from what I can see iit is quite gruesome and I assume that is what you are aiming for!

I was not so much speaking in regards to myself about the lack of participation, but in general to the lack of works posted and comments in general. I know I am not going to win any popularity contests here but it just is part of my personality. I am a perfectionist and believe in being brutally honest. It has plaqued me all of my adult life.

Edit: the page was displaying weird and there was no option to zoom this. Am off to view now!

on Oct 28, 2010

I'm not sure I like the head wound.  Might be too much.

on Oct 28, 2010

The wounds look very realistic to me. You need to do some clean up work around the guy and the front terrain is too straight edged  particulary on the right hand side and more BLOOD!

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