Published on November 30, 2006 By teddybearcholla In Personal Computing

I was wondering if there is a way to keep the "preview" window open while I am painting in say dogwaffle? If I want to look at one of my cloud photos for a reference for a picture I am painting, I have to keep clicking on that window to bring it up, then when I start painting it is not visible anymore. I would like to keep the preview window visible, while I am painting.
Thanks for any help, ideas or whatnots!!!

on Nov 30, 2006
Isn't there a setting in WB to rightclick a titlebar and have it always on top?

I use artrage2 which allows you to add a reference pic to the work.

WWW Link
on Nov 30, 2006

Thank you Zubaz!!! I don't know about the wb, but I have artrage2 and it looks like that will work wonderfully!! Thanks again!!
on Nov 30, 2006