I am looking to purchase a new pc. I have an HP Pavilion, WindowsXP Home SP2. Intel Celeron CPU 2.ooGHz , 1.99 GHz, 504MB of RAM , Intel Extreme Graphics, which I am still very happy with. But I would like to create images that can be printed at 300dpi...and poster size, say 30"x40"...although my son wants one as long as his sofa...
Some of the programs I use are Apophysis, photoshop6, psp7, Artrage, Artrage2, twistedbrush, coreldraw9 and photopaint, dogwaffle, deep paint, Inkscape, Terragen, Contextfree, ArtWeaver...and a few more. I have a Maxtor One Touch external hard drive for back up and an Epson stylus photo 1280. From what I have been reading, many of these programs are not compatible with Vista. I have found a few XP's at Dell. I do not need Microsoft Word, and I do not play games on my pc. I'm not sure about a flat screen, I like the regular monitor...although I have used my friends laptop and I do not have the glare, I sometimes have with the monitor.
Any advice, thoughts....would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Barbara